Muddy, Buddy, Cassidy, Ronnie, Johnnie, and Grace enjoying this fine Spring day. Rain is their favorite, of course!
Greener grasses
The Sanctuary pigs are glad that Spring is here and so are greener pastures. Thanks to a generous donor, the pigs have a new field to explore, root around, and of course, make new mud holes!
Meet Muddy, Buddy & Cassidy
These three ducks were all abandoned by thoughtless folks in a park in Illinois.
Winter soon came and all the wild ducks left for greener pastures while these guys watched the food disappear and the park's pond freeze to a mere puddle. A couple of compassionate individuals stepped in and arranged their rescue and transport to the sanctuary.
They are an inseparable trio, and Cassidy and Buddy can't help but be charmed by Muddy's chronic muddiness!
Meet Henry, Stella & Dillinger
Welcome Henry, Stella, and Dillinger!
On Wild Earth Sanctuary, animals are rescued and brought to the farm to live out their natural lives. They are not only given sanctuary for the rest of their lives, they are also offered a life lived more in line with their nature, one in which they can participate fully in the local ecosystem and contribute to its biological systems.
We are also working towards a future where farmed animals, once exploited for food, can attain new purpose and bond with people and form symbiotic relationships with plants grown for food.